Hey, guess what? Today is our TENTH wedding anniversary! Go us! I will allow myself to list 0ne or two major events from each year that we have been married. I don't want to get carried away or all "get a room"ish, you know.
2000: We got married. It was fun.
2001: I graduated from college, the company I worked for closed, so we moved to CT.
2002: Moved back from CT due to lots of crying on my part. So many trees, so little horizon.
2003: Anders was born!
2004: Bought our first home, our lovely little townhouse in Springville.
2005: Addie was born!
2006: Went to the Grand Canyon. Nils got a new job in SLC. Sold beloved little townhouse.
2007: Moved to Saratoga Springs. Aani was born!
2008: Went to Disneyland. Nils graduated! Ya-hoo!
2009: Nils began a new business venture. Ava was born!
2010: Holy crap, has it really been ten years?
I shall now reminisce a little: When Nils and I were engaged, I remember driving somewhere with my mom and she asked me what it was that I loved about him. Of course a bunch of things came to mind, but I realized that I love the way I feel when I'm with him. We're like PB & J. He makes me whole and everything is better when we're together.
Thanks for marrying me, Nils. I love you lots, and I shall forever more.
Now to further the narcissism, here are a few pics for our trip down memory lane.
Also attractive.
Good thing we were attractive to each other. Am I right or am I right?