Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Odd's Fish!

I have some really, really, really exciting news. I read a book, and it was enjoyable and somewhat easy. This was made possible because my sweet little baby Ava has become a normal baby who sleeps at night. Thus, I am emerging from my sleep deprived haze of exhaustion and can actually stay awake long enough to read more than a sentence. It's great.

I read The Scarlet Pimpernel. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It's witty and romantic. It also made me realize that I know virtually nothing about world history. My knowledge of the French Revolution was limited to the potatoes that got chopped in half by the little guillotine my 10th grade history teacher made and demonstrated in class. I also vaguely remember watching the movie of The Scarlet Pimpernel in said history class, but I'm sure my sophomore attitude prevailed and I slept or wrote notes to my friends instead of paying attention; because it was all new to me now. I don't know how I graduated from high school.  

So yeah, Ava is sleeping much better and has become a much more content, predictable child. Glory, glory! She is sitting up, rolling over, and puts her little bum in the air and scoots herself backward. She's 5 1/2 months old, so this is all happening a little fast for me. She's very eager. And chunky. 

Aren't they cute?

P.S. Happy birthday to my Dad, who would've been 66 today. I've been thinking about him all day. 


Nils said...

They are, indeed, cute. And I would have liked to have met your Dad. And I'm glad Ava is sleeping better so we can make out... errr, rest... at night now.

Unknown said...

Cute kids! Your little family is growing up. Your dad died way too young! I miss him too!

Holly said...

Your baby is so advanced. Olive doesn't sit up yet. In fact, when I saw this picture, I tried to sit her up, but she did a face-plant instead. Best mom ever!