Saturday, June 11, 2011

Haps on the Craps, May/June edition

School's out! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! Just kidding, it's been just fine so far. I actually really like my kids. Here are some pictures from our adventurous last couple of weeks. 

All 4 kids are huddled under there somewhere!
Adventure 1: Memorial Day. It was a really, really crappy weekend because of the rain, wind, and freezing temperatures. No barbecues were happening 'round here. However, we braved the cold and made a little visit to the cemetery to visit my dad's grave. The flowers wouldn't stay upright because of the dang wind, and the kids huddled in their coats the whole time.
I liked this picture of Aani running through all the flags to make it back to Nils. :)
Adventure 2: Kindergarten graduation for Addie. Her teacher, Miss Broadhead, is adorable and a fantastic teacher. Addie loved every second of kindergarten and learned so much!

Aani's cute.
So is Ava.
 Adventure 3: Fathers and Sons campout. For as much complaining that Anders does about being the only boy, there are perks; like getting dad all to himself at the fathers and sons campout. 
Why is my son licking a salt lick, you ask? This is a question that I ask myself...and my husband. Here's what I was told: The salt lick was new (whatever that means). Anders didn't believe that it was a salt lick, so Nils told him to lick it-
so he did. A lot, apparently. 
Sick. I mean, really, boys!

Stay tuned for more exciting adventues! I'm going to girls camp in 9 days. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! Will I survive? Will my children survive? We shall soon find out. 

Katrina out! (I am so cool.)


Doulabug said...

Cemeteries, cuteness and salt licks. Could a blog get any better??! And I think it's great that you hauled everyone to the cemetery on Memorial Day. It's a good thing to do.

Becky said...

I just got back from girls camp! Spiders and fire ants in my tent, heat index of over 100, and I counted 80+ bug bites when I got home. Have fun, heh heh......

Holly said...

But you really are so cool. And funny. And I can't believe he's actually licking that.

Saren said...

I just laughed out loud when I read your narration to the salt lick pictures. :) Thank you for that.