Friday, January 23, 2015

Christmas, Birthdays, Ukulele & Other Delights


Apparently, the children have always wanted to just wake up and tear into their presents on Christmas morning, rather than going through the torture of opening them one at a time so we can admire each gift. We gave in this year and let them go to town. It was over in 5 minutes and very anti-climactic, so I hope those young whipper-snappers learned their lesson!

We saw Big Hero 6 on Christmas with some gift cards Nils got from work, which was awesome. We got concessions for free, which was also awesome (we never get food at the movies...we are smugglers). THEN, we had to wait for about a half hour longer than scheduled because the projector was broken, so the theater gave us free passes to another movie. WHAT?? 2 expensive movies for free? Amaze-balls! 

Birthday Mania:

You know what January means! BIRTHDAY, BIRTHDAY, BIRTHDAY! It's the on year for birthday parties. Anders turned 12 and invited 12 people to his party. One of his friends brought an Xbox, and we linked our Xbox to that one. We had two TV's set up, and those boys couldn't handle how amazing it was. Anders loved it. Success.

Addie had her besties from school over to celebrate her decade of life. There were Shrinky Dinks, Apples to Apples, constant giggling, and let's not forget the sock puppets Addie made for party favors...out of her old socks. We weren't sure how to handle that one, but she was so gosh darn sincere about it. She's a funny one.

For my birthday, I made Nils and the kids stay home from work and school so that we could have a family fun day. I thought I was being smart by going to places during school hours, thinking they would be less crowded. Turns out those places are still child-ridden during the day due to FIELD TRIPS. Gah! The Museum of Curiosity was so crowded, you'da thought it was opening day. Oh well. Then we saw a crappy movie with our free movie passes. Oh well. Next year the kids will go to school. 

Anders got a ukulele and guitar for his birthday. He got his iPod touch taken away forever (and ever), so he's got all kinds of time on his hands to learn instruments. We love it. He played his ukulele for his class talent show, and advanced to play for the whole 6th grade. We love our kid a lot more when he plays the ukulele instead of Clash of Clans. Amen.

A Deacon??

Anders is a Deacon! He passed the sacrament on Sunday like a boss. He had his first winter campout for Scouts last weekend and hated it, but claims that everyone else hated it, too. He's now in Young Mens, has mutual every week, has the Aaronic Priesthood and passes the sacrament. My witto baby boy!

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