Friday, January 31, 2025

Who Knows Until You Write It

☝ (I asked Nils what the title should be and that's what he said) ☝

Hello. It's 2025. We became a couple in January of 1997. We got engaged on January 3, 2000. WE'VE BEEN A COUPLE FOR 28 YEARS! (A couple of dummies!) 

We celebrated New Year's Eve by taking the girls to The Melting Pot. We had fun, ate a lot of yummies, and got home a few minutes before midnight. 

Addie was thumbs-downing the fact that Aani was taking a selfie. 

Anders went on a trip with some friends to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico. They were gone for 4 days and visited 5 national parks, traveled through 5 states, and crossed the border into Mexico. They cray cray. 

Nils and I had a training in the Dominican Republic for a few days. It was a long travel day getting there and a long travel day getting home (12 hours of flying, no direct flights bleh), but we had a good time with friends and colleagues while there. We learned good things. It was pretty warm and the beach was lovely. The resort we stayed at was mediocre in many ways, so that was unfortunate. Food: Meh. Service: Pretty bad. Key Cards: Never worked. Had to go get new key cards literally every time we wanted to get into our room. Will not be returning.

Greg and NataLee, our YouTube BFFs.

A sample of our key card collection. 

For my birthday, Nils and I went to 13 Costcos. I'll just copy my Facebook post here because I'm lazy.

In honor of my birthday today, Nils and I decided to celebrate my 47 years of life, as well as our deep and abiding love of Costco, by visiting 13 Costcos in Utah in one day. From Spanish Fork to Logan and every Costco in between, we took a lap around each store, and ordered one item from the food court from each store. We ate everything on the menu today. Here are some totals for your amusement:
Miles driven: 298
Hours spent: 10
Calories consumed: 8,220 (6,000 of those by Nils, who championed this challenge).
Weight difference from this morning to tonight: 6.2 lb increase
Steps taken: 12,940 (K) 12,653 (N)- Nils says this is because of my short legs.
Potty breaks (only allowed in Costco, which worked out well since that's literally the only place we went today): 5 me, 4 him
Menu items eaten: 13
Drinks drunk: 6
Matching coats worn: 2
Hours of Radiohead played: 6
And, last but certainly not least,
Total $ spent at the Costco Food Court today: $44.15!
'Twas a jolly day indeed.

I believe this picture is from the 13th Costco. We sat down to try and eat one more ice cream and Nils had to eat the cookie. It was a little rough. We were tired and kind of delirious. 

This was Nils' tum tum at the end of the day. He was a champ and ate most of the food, since I can eat very little off the food court menu.


Our ward has had a tradition called the Bishop's Holiday Bash that Nils inherited. It's morphed into a 2 day activity for the youth, and in years past has been a sleepover somewhere. The youth all look forward to it and expect it. Long story short: How do you entertain 69 youth for 2 days without blowing the entire budget? Finding somewhere to spend the night has gotten prohibitively expensive. We also couldn't use the church on Friday night for any activity. This was a quandary. 

Here's what we came up with: 

Friday night: We split the kids into 3 age groups and had a progressive Dinner between 3 houses. White elephant gift exchange at the last house after dessert. 

Saturday: Photo/video scavenger hunt around town for a couple of hours, then Costco pizza and leftover salad and dessert from the night before. Watch the slideshow from the scavenger hunt, play games, basketball, etc. 

'Twas a success, and we got it done for about $500. Not too shabby. Enjoy some pictures from this event. 

This was a different event, a youth broadcast, and we had the oldest kids at our house to watch. 

There's a lot going on all the time.

The same night as the BHB, Ava was performing with the All-State Band in downtown SLC at Abravanel Hall. We rushed from the BHB to that, and it was actually quite an enjoyable concert. Not only did the kids sound amazing, but the acoustics in that venue are top notch!  

We don't know this kid, but he kept standing up after his solos and he would cheese it for a really long time and it made us laugh. 

Aani went to Senior Ball with her friend Jace. 

This is normal now. How did we get here? Weren't they all babies last week? 

These 2 got acai bowls together while Nils and I were in the DR, and sent us a picture to prove they were still alive and well. 


Addie passed her EMT exam! She was very nervous and it was a hard exam. This is the picture she sent me when she got the email saying she had passed. She starts AEMT school next week! 

Pip has had a couple of scary seizure-like episodes in the last few months. She had one last Saturday, so we took her to the vet. It turns out that she has heart disease. Her heart is enlarged, and her aorta is huge. She also has a partially collapsed trachea. In spite of all of this, she acts like nothing is wrong 99.9% of the time, and is as perky as ever. Her passion for chasing birds is stronger than ever.

The heart disease is causing syncopic episodes, which looks like a seizure and is very scary. She basically looks like she dies and goes totally limp. It's awful. 

She will be on 3 medications for the rest of her life, however long that may be. She's 12. We've always been convinced she will live forever.

Okay, it's time for our Friday night date night, so I'm gonna wrap up. Thanks for reading. Time to get Nils a burger. 

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