Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Summer, Harry & the Big Five.

I'm lovin' it! Not McDonalds food, but spring weather. It's been in the 70's and breezy here so I'm really enjoying the outside temps right now. Hopefully it'll stay like this for a while. Little Addie is doing better and is no longer on Oxygen so that's a lot easier for all of us. School is almost over- just a couple more weeks then I'm home free for the summer. I'm going to try to register for all online courses for the Fall so that I can stay home all the time and not be bound to a school schedule. We'll see how well that works. Summer has always been my favorite season, as it is for a lot of people. It's lighter, it's warmer, it's brighter, it's easier and it's usually school-free. Maybe one day when I graduate (no day soon) I won't long for summer as much as I do now but until then I'm can't wait for it to arrive.
Work's been good. Trying to run the one man marketing show is hard at times but as long as I can keep motivated and not fall asleep, it's pretty cool. I have no idea what my bosses are thinking right about now though- if they think I'm doing great and are happy with my progress or if they're wondering when I'll kick myself into shape and get on the ball. I guess I'll find out soon enough.
I've been pretty agressively working on my weight gain/workout routine. I go to the gym three times a week and do certain sets of weight lifting exercises and each morning I drink some nasty protein shake and creatine shake and I take a vitamin of sorts. I repeat this routine each night before I go to bed, minus the vitamin. When I got married, I weighed around 145 or so, quite a scrawny weight for a 6' guy. Today I weigh 170 and my goal weight is 185. I know that most people don't want to hear this but I put up with weight loss commercials, e-mails, shows, diets, plans, stories, etc. every day so you can tolerate a little bit of the other side. The shakes are disgusting and I also try to eat as many boiled eggs as I can. Katrina says I smell like a mobile septic tank but it's working. It's pretty cool to see myself grow, even though it's a very gradual process.
I've just finished "reading" the latest Harry Potter book. I actually listened to the whole thing on CD in th car. Katrina bought book 5 for me on CD so I listened to it on the way to and from work and a little bit on the walkman. 27 Hours later, I was done. What cool books those Harry Potter books are. The sixth one comes out this summer so we've already pre-ordered it using a gift certficate we were given. I might just have to read this one rather than just listen to it.
In a couple weeks Katrina and I will celebrate or 5th Anniversary. Can you believe it? Five years already and two kids to boot. My friend Brandon at work will celebrate his 6th anniversary but by then he'll have four kids. That's a lot of kids. I don't know how they stay sane with that many small children. Some people seem to have a gift for that. So hopefully we'll be able to take a little more time with our kids but I guess it's kind of whatever works out. We're just glad we can have kids. A lot of people really struggle with it so we know that we're extremely lucky. I had better wrap it up for now. I'll write again before too long. Like anyone cares.

Rock On- Nizzle Foschizzle.


Anonymous said...

The word on the street is that nilsy nils is up to 176 lbs these days.

Katrina said...

I'm probably back down to about 41 lbs now. At least that's what it feels like. I haven't worked out or dieted in over a month. I'm a slacker.