Thursday, October 04, 2007


Since the disastrous Enrichment, I've tried to talk to as few people as possible. This has resulted in a very boring, non-blog worthy life. So, here's a brief update:

Addie decided not to be potty-trained anymore. I think she realized how much work it is. After a couple of days of changing her pants 5+ times and washing poo out of more panties than I care to remember, she's back in diapers. She's totally fine with that, and I don't have the mental prowess to deal right now. We'll try again in a couple of months.

Anders is in preschool and LOVING it. He's learning to read and came home with his first book last week. He's very eager to learn everything about everything. Preschool is helping a lot.

Aani is growing a lot, laughing, cooing and is crying as little as possible. She is, however, not doing so hot during the night. She's still in our room and I think it's about time we separate. We're tired. Time to start boot camp. I dread it, but the rewards are so wonderful. We just have to figure out where to put everyone. For those of you who have more kids than bedrooms, how do you sleep train a baby without waking up the other kids? Seriously, I need advice.

Nils is doing well at work and in school. Next week is fall break, so he only has class one night. Hooray! He also has Thursday and Friday off of work next week, so he can work on the basement. Then over the weekend, his whole family is coming up to help work on the basement. Maybe we'll get some sheet rock hung!


Dilly Dally Art said...

From a couple that had two of their children sleeping in the same room with them for a year (that makes four - count four). It can be done. It is hard, takes a little time but it can be done! LOL

Teresa said...

I sooo hear you Katrina! I have Kailey's bed up in her own room, but I am scared to actually take the plunge and kick her out of our room! My biggest problem is she cries a few times a night when she realizes her bink is missing and I don't want to walk down the hall and to give it to her...but I don't know how to break her of it either! Help!

Anonymous said...

Hey there. My babies barely last a few weeks in our room; they drive me crazy - I wake up more than they do. Then they get kicked to a transitional phase: the bassinet in the family room or something. And then to the real room.

Our boys have slept in the same room since Joshy was a few months old. Matt just had to learn to deal with it. He was only a year and a half, though; I don't know how it works with older kids used to having their own space.
Even today, if Matt is throwing a fit or if Josh is throwing a fit, the other one just ignores it and goes back to sleep. They're pretty tolerant of each other which I suppose comes with time. You just have to take the plunge. Good luck.

Melinda B. said...

The older child adjusts pretty quickly and learns to sleep through most of it. Occassionaly you have to threaten death so they will stop giggling and go to sleep. I love having the girls in one room though.