Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tagged Again

This is for Teresa, who tagged me. I'm supposed to list 6 fascinating facts about myself. I'll try to make them fascinating. Really.

1. I have a potty-mouth. Literally. I think poo is hilarious, and I love jokes about it. I love stories about it. It's the great equalizer; everybody poops.

2. I must have a clean kitchen. My mood is greatly affected by the cleanliness of my kitchen. You will nary find a dirty dish in my sink. In the same vein, I make my bed about once a month. The rest of the house can go to heck, but the kitchen must be clean.

3. I love cake with butter cream frosting. I think about cake a lot. Mmmmmm....cake.

4. I have 1 sister and 4 brothers. My sister is the oldest, I'm the youngest, and four boys are in between.

5. I watched Transformers with Nils, and I didn't hate it. In fact, I have a crush on Optimus Prime. He's so noble and transformey.

6. I don't like to vacuum.

Teresa, I hope this shows you how much I love and care for you.


Teresa said...

Thank you Katrina! Hey, I will make your bed, if you will clean my kitchen!

Farrah said...

Josh really likes poop too. It seems to be a weird fascination of his as well. Maybe it's because of his "condition." Wish he would be fascinated with rubbing my back!

Holly said...

i too appreciate a clean kitchen and sleep much better when everything is clean and in place.

and you are so right about everyone pooping. i never thought of it that way. thank you for enlightening me.

Melinda B. said...

I can barely type the word poop.
I'm already blushing.

Anonymous said...

The kitchen thing I totally get. I cannot function if my kitchen and bathrooms are dirty or messy. But my bedroom? That's another story. I rarely make my beds and feel like a hypocrite when I make my kids make theirs.