Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nils, you da man.

This morning I woke up with a migraine. My migraines vary in severity, but most of the time I'm able to do what I need to do and make it through the day. I waited for the aura to go away, because that's when the pain starts and I sort of know what I'm up against at that point. At any rate, today's migraine was the worst one I've had in years. I took a pretty strong pain killer, which didn't even touch it, and I knew I was going to be useless for the rest of the day.

I called Nils and told him my plight, and he came home right away. He made it in time to take the kids to swim lessons, and spent the whole day with them. I was able to sleep off the worst of the migraine. Addie had her kindergarten check-up and shots today, so I met everyone at the pediatrician's office. They all had nasty swimming pool hair and chocolate ice cream mustaches and chocolate ice cream drips on their shirts. They sort of looked like little orphans, but they were there. (As a side note, Addie took her three shots like a man. She is one tough momma.)

I'm thankful Nils has a job that's flexible. His boss's motto is "family first", so if there is ever any family issue, he has no trouble leaving. I'm also thankful that he's willing to come home and help me out when something like this comes up. I don't know what I would have done today without him. Nizzle, thank you for rocking the hizzle. Fo' schizzle.


Teresa said...

Three posts in one month!?!?! WHAT is going on over there?? :c) Way to go Nizzle!

Nils said...

I just wanted an excuse to get out of work. Go migraines! I'm thinking you should have a migraine at about noon every Friday. Yup.

Unknown said...

Sorry you suffer from the family migraines. I never thought they would subside for me but they have. The migrains for me are few and far between. There are some benefits to getting old. I hope today is a better day for you!