Monday, January 03, 2011

I am Sloth.

This picture is hideous. It was 7-something in the morning and taken with a phone, and I obviously have frizz issues, so there ya go. If I look like this all the time, please take me out back and put me down.

I have shingles. SHINGLES??? Happy friggin' new year.

I went to the doc today, since I spent the weekend looking like Sloth. I thought it was a spider bite. I thought they'd give me some cream to slather on the thing. Yeah, noooo. So apparently the rash will turn into blisters which will break open and scab over. Hot. I've also been warned about the extreme pain that may come. So far my lover Advil has been keeping it at bay. The left side of my scalp is itchy, my eye is itchy, and I have pain down the left side of my face.

Darn you, dormant chicken pox virus. Darn you all to heck.


Ashli said...

I have something to say!!! I am so sorry! I was all excited when I saw you posted and then I saw you and wow, just kidding. That's awful. How long does it last? I hope that you feel better soon. I need some humor and wit from good old Katrina to start the year of right. Get well soon!

Doulabug said...

Oh No Oh NO! I am so sorry you have those shingles. I had them, I know they are awful. Did the doc give you the anti-viral drug???

I would give you a hug even with the shingles.

It will be over soon. Fingers are crossed and prayers are said. xo

Brownie Bites said...

That's so sad. I hope there is adequate help/treatment/drugs to help. And hopefully it doesn't last too long. I'll be praying for you.

Bev said...

Are you serious!?! What brings on shingles so i can avoid them like the plague??? I hope you feel better soon...real soon!!

5 little speckled frogs said...

Are you feeling better? I just saw this, but I think I need to bring you dinner or at least some white trash chocolate (M&Ms) or something. I don't know how long shingles lasts, but that sounds terrible. Call or email me if you need anything.

Doulabug said...

Are you better yet?????