Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Define "Addict"

Nils has been out of town this week. Yesterday around 4:00 I got a hankerin' for a Coke, but didn't want to buckle all the kids in, drive to the store, unbuckle, haul them inside, etc., all for a lousy Coke. After the kids were in bed I thought I might die if I didn't get one, so I called my wonderful friend up the street to see if she had any. She didn't, but she drove to the store, bought me a Coke and delivered it to my house. Seriously, everyone needs one of her in their life. Such a shameless act on my part made me wonder if I'm addicted. I don't have it all that often, but having it on hand gives me peace and comfort. A good friend of mine (you know who you are) once told me that having Valium in her cupboard gave her peace of mind, even though she rarely needed it. I think Coke is my Valium. So be it. Besides, I can stop anytime.


Brownie Bites said...

What a great neighbor. I guess angels really do show up in the strangest of circumstances, bearing the strangest of gifts.

Jamie said...

I have pounded on friends/neighbor's homes many times to get my "fix." My kids call it mommy's special medicine.

*Jane Lee* said...

Amen sista friend! Hey, we need to get together. I'll call you tomorrow.

Becky said...

I need a Dr. Pepper right now after reading this post.

Melinda B. said...

Well when you compare it to valium it certainly seems innocent enough. What you need to do is purchase some KO stock and then when you buy Coca Cola you can say you are just supporting your retirement plan.

Misty Anderson said...

You are so funny! Volleyball was fun last night! Hey can you tell me who your great neighbor is so I can call her when I need a coke fix! JK

Anonymous said...

This totally makes me feel better about my meth habit.