Thursday, June 18, 2009

Feeling Better

First off, a couple of things: Sorry about that last post. I was having a crappy day, but I'm feeling better now. Like, really better. The sickness seems to be subsiding for the most part. I'm still a little gaggy. The thought of eating or preparing meat sends me heaving, so I'm a vegetarian until further notice. But, overall I'm feeling much, much better, and so thankful am I. Health is a blessing. Also, our stinky internet has been out all week, which is why I haven't updated until now.

It's been raining for 2 weeks, you know. Fun. Last week, after I went out of my mind a little, we took some field trips. I thought I'd share, just in case you are in need of some field trips. We went to the Bean Museum (I had to convince the kids that it's an animal museum, not literally a "bean" museum), which my kids loved. I was surprised, because I was always really bored there as a kid. Then we ate BYU ice cream.

There's a liger there. That alone should make you want to go.
The next day I dragged them to Hill Air Force Base kicking and screaming and went to the Aerospace Museum. It's really cool, everyone. Airplanes and helicopters from all eras. Anders especially was in heaven. And we ate Baskin Robbins ice cream. Oh, and both of these museums are free.
Did I take pictures? No. No, I didn't. But someone on Google did! Thank you, Google!

Unrelated to anything, on Monday I ate an entire large garlic chicken pizza by my lonesome. Just thought you might enjoy knowing that.


Brownie Bites said...

So glad you're feeling better. And thanks for the field trip ideas. Hill AFBase is so far away though. Was it worth the drive?

Doulabug said...

All I have to say is "YEAHHHHHHHH!" So glad you are on the way to feeling good.