Thursday, June 04, 2009


Well, we had Anders and Addie's "graduations" the past couple of weeks. The graduation thing cracks me up. Only 12-16 years to go, kids!

We'll start with Addie's preschool graduation. I have to say that I've been more than happy with her preschool experience. Her teacher did a fantastic job, and Addie loved every minute of it. She'll be going back next year.

Aani couldn't handle not being part of the program, so she wormed her way into every song, doing the actions and everything. I thought it was really funny. Not sure if the other parents did. Here's Addie getting her diploma from Mrs. Sallie, and Aani waiting for hers. All in due time, little one. All in due time.

Anders is seriously broken up about having graduated from kindergarten. He's still not over it. Every day he laments that he can't believe he's done with kindergarten and will never be going back. He still hasn't gotten that whole summer's the best time of the year dealio.
Anders and his beloved Mrs. Wengreen.
I've also been very happy with Anders' kindergarten experience. The curriculum that his teacher had for phonics and reading was fantastic. He had homework every day. He's a smart kid and doesn't have to try hard, so I was a little concerned with him being bored. He's right on track with reading and writing, so I think the heavy focus on that was perfect for kindergarten. However, he is a math WHIZ, so he was quite bored with that. I'm hoping that he's challenged more in first grade in the math department. He loves math. In fact, he will soon surpass his parents in math skills, for we are both special (with a backwards S) when it comes to arithmetic.

They're growing up. Sniff.

1 comment:

Doulabug said...

Awwww. I always wonder what kind of mother I would have been. I probably would have been bawling at every advancement. The closest we have to grandkids are some of my doula babies in the ward and it just freaks me out to see them grow so fast.