Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm Becoming My Mother

I just realized that I have two personalities. Like, I just realized this about 4 minutes ago. So there's Katrina and then there's Mom.

Katrina is me.

The Mom is that lady that cooks and cleans, tells the kids no, they can't have more cookies, to pick up their shoes and clean their rooms and all that other mom stuff.

I worry that while I'm Mom, my kids don't see me. When I sing the theme song to Spongebob opera style, they plug their ears. For some reason they don't appreciate how hilarious that is. Weird. But I especially worry that while I'm Mom, I don't convey enough how much I love them. In my defense however, they wouldn't tolerate me hugging and kissing them all day. So, do they just know?

A few weeks ago we were at my mom's house. When it was time to go, I sang, opera style, "Children! It's time to go! Please get in the van!" real singy-songy. I had a big cheesy smile on my face. Anders and Addie said, "Don't act like that!" I asked why, and they said, "It's too nice!"

Then I said, in an exaggerated grumbly voice, "Get out to the van!" They said, "Too mean!"

I asked how they wanted me to talk and they said, "NORMAL!" Normal. Normal would be the Mom. Down to business.

I'm wondering at what point my kids will see me and mom. Or, is this one of those, "your kids don't need you to be their friend, they need you to be their parent" sort of things? Do they need to see me?

When they catch glimpses of who their mother is besides their mom, I just hope they like me. Ya know?


courtneyb said...

This morning on the way to school, I read the thermometer and sang "it's 22 degrees, it's freeeeeeezing" with major vibrato. And Brody said "and then she sings"
So true.
why can't they appreciate that they have cool moms? MAybe when they are teens they'll think we're funny? Or will we just get more embarrassing and annoying?

Teresa said...

When I try and read Sabrina's books to her with voices she tells me, "read in your normal Mom voice". Are kids aren't that old, are we already dorks? :cD