Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Joyness

Christmas was Snuggie-licious. The Snuggie was on Anders and Addie's wish lists this year. I think they look like they're in a cult when they wear them. The Snuggie Cult.
Santa brought Anders an MP3 player. Our child is old enough to ask for an MP3 player. Weirdness.
Aani got the hang of present-opening pretty quick.
Santa brought Addie an Easy Bake Oven. Santa forgot the 100 watt light bulb that goes in the oven. Darn that Santa! Darn him all to heck!Ava took a nap. All day.
The aftermath.
Christmas is wonderful. I'm glad it's but once a year.


Unknown said...

I remember the year we bought an easy bake oven for one of our daughters. We also did not know that we needed the light bulb. I sent my husband out on Christmas Day in search of one. He went to several gas stations and found one in North Salt Lake after about an hour. Parents sure get crazy around Christmastime!

Doulabug said...

I LOVE the picture of the aftermath!!!