Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Help Support Katrina's iPod Nano Cause!

I've always thought those 'Free iPod' offers were hoaxes but I know a few people who have actually gotten XBox's and iPod's from them so I thought I'd investigate. When this new iPod Nano came out, I thought I'd check out the possibility of getting one for 'free'. It's not totally free but if I have to pay $20 or so for an iPod Nano 4GB, I'm OK with that. Here's the deal: I signed up for one service (there's a list of 20 or so to choose from) and I have done my part. I now need to get five other people to sign up for a service or trial and then we get the Nano! The cool part is that the offers aren't these ridiculous offers that nobody would want to try. There are things like discountd ink cartridges, Blockbuster DVD trials, subscriptions, etc. I signed up for Auto Vantage- a roadside assistance type thing. It's $1 to sign up and after 7 days they send me a $40 Gas Card! That's pretty cool. If I continue with the service (and I probably should since I drive a 91 wagon) it's $9.99/month but I think I'm just gonna cancel before the first 30 days.

Here's the other cool part- if you sign up, then you've taken care of your offer, too. That means that if you get five other people (I can't be one of them) to sign up then you also get a free iPod or whatever else you choose from. There are four or five gifts to choose from.

If you need cheap ink, a gas card, some DVD's by mail or anything like that- SIGN UP! OK, schpeal over. Thanks for listening. We usually don't solicit but we only need five people and this is a really cool offer so I'm enlisting help via Blog.
Above is the iPod Nano we're trying to win: It's pretty sweet.

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