Thursday, October 06, 2005


Anders thinks that he can get what he wants by driving me crazy. He asks for something, I say no, and he continues to ask. Over and over and over. It's a little annoying. I don't give in, but he's started back talking me. I'll say, "I said no, Anders", and he'll say, "I say YES, MOMMAY!" Then he runs to his room and slams the door. He's not even 3 yet and he's storming off and slamming doors. It's been a rough week. Addie must be cutting some teeth or something. She's cranky pretty much all the time, and she's not sleeping well. She hasn't been taking good naps and she's waking up a lot in the night. Between the two of them, my nerves are shot. The little whipper-snappers.

I have Bunco tonight. I really need it.

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