Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thanksgiving Point

Yesterday we went to Thanksgiving Point with the Brecheisen women. It was oodles of fun!

I told the kids to look sad, since they were in jail and all. I think they did well.

The kids loved riding the ponies, although Anders was a little disappointed that they just went in circles. He asked me if he could ride the horse anywhere he wanted; I think he had visions of riding off into the sunset...

One of the employees let Anders, Eliza and Aislin inside the chicken/rooster pen while he was cleaning it out. They thought that was pretty darn cool!

So, we had a good day yesterday. Nils decided to stay home from school last night, so we got to play together and eat dinner as a family. It was great!


Anonymous said...

Cute pictures. Anders is looking very grown up.

Melinda B. said...

It was really nice to get out of the house, get some fresh air, and make the day go by a lot faster. When the weather gets nasty we should do the Dino Museum every now and again.

Lindsey said...

Fun! I love farm country. (at thanksgiving point i mean... not like real farm country. WEll, i guess i like real farm country. i don't have any reason not too. Never mind i said anything.)