Thursday, November 29, 2007

Half-Eaten Apple Kinda Day

At 9:30 this morning I was surfing the web in my bathrobe when the doorbell rang. Anders and Addie were cheering, "Play group is at our house today! Yay!" Addie's part of a playgroup with 3 other little girls her age, and they're dropped off once a week at someone's house. No one told me this week it was at my house. Oy. I had to put on my bra, answer the door and entertain them for an hour and a half. Don't worry, I was wearing more than just a bra. I had socks on, too. And pants and a shirt, you sillies. Addie, however, was naked from the waist down. Except for her dress-up shoes.

After the little girls left, it was time to get Anders ready for preschool. Out to the van we went. Dead. Deader'n a doornail. I called my good friend up the street, who let me use her van to take him. Fortunately, I still have the neighbor's battery charger in my garage from when this happened last week.

I went visiting teaching while Anders was at preschool. Addie refused to wear shoes or a coat, which was perfect since it was 25 degrees outside and we didn't have a car to ride in. During the visit, she pooped her pants (she's in panties again, and now that the Prozac's kicked in I'm determined). I cleaned her up in this dear woman's bathroom, and then she wore this dear woman's daughter's pants. Once outside to leave, Addie realized her mistake of not wearing shoes, so I had to carry her, Aani, and the diaper bag home.

When it was time to get Anders from preschool, the van was charged. Halle-frickin'-luja. We got home, and the kids were of course STARVING to death. I opened the fridge to get them an apple and found this sight.

Seeing these half-eaten apples was just a perfect fit for the theme of my day.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go shower now that it's after 3:00 in the afternoon.

Love and Blessings,


Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh. That picture made me DIE laughing. I can so see that happening at my house. We need to get together again really really soon.

Anonymous said...

I love the half eaten apples - it looks like something that could happen at my house! What a day.

courtneyb said...

oh katrina, can always count on you for a good laugh. At least the apples weren't scattered all over your house. Is it time for a new car or just a new battery?

Melinda B. said...

I suppose we can all be happy the apples weren't hidden around the house rotting. What good little children to put them back in the drawer!
Ahh the joys of motherhood!
You should write a book about modern motherhood. It would be hilarious and you'd be a millionaire.

Teresa said...

Thank you. I was having a "day from Hell" and I really needed to know that others have such fun as I. BTW: if you want to have a dump run, Brian's Jeep is going the same thing. We could dump em' and run! It would be fun!!

Holly said...

Cold apples hurt my teeth.