Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Name Change

Nils started this blog one night while he was at school almost 3 years ago, and I took to it a couple months later. I didn't give the title "The Paradigm of Nils and Katrina" much thought. It's unique, so I thought it was fine. Last week Nils told me I could change the name of the blog if I wanted to. I asked him why he wanted it changed and he told me he had been reading a book by Stephen Covey when he started blogging. I guess Bro. Covey is a fan of the word paradigm. So now that Nils is out of Covey Mode (he's been listening to Tony Robbins lately), the name's changing.

Nils announced to the children and me a few months ago that we should call ourselves "The R Team", because we're a family...we're a TEAM! So there it is. He really liked The A Team and Mr. T as a kid. And since he drives some distance to and from work every day, he sees a lot of bumper stickers. His favorite bumper sticker says "Git 'er Done." Not sure what it means, but boy, is it funny!

On a totally unrelated note, we just got home from Nils' work Christmas party. It was at a Chinese buffet. Brutal. I've decided I'll be okay if I never eat at a Chinese buffet again. And I'll be okay if next Christmas, we go to a different company's Christmas party. Oh yes. Yes, I will.

Thank you if you've read this.


Teresa said...

I am totally with you with the chinese buffet thing. Chinese is not my thing. Brian's work isn't even having a Christmas party. Which shocks the socks off of me. I actually think that the have a secret party for everyone higher up than him. I just wanted the Christmas bonus:c)

Anonymous said...

I pity da fool who don't read this blog!

Holly said...

First of all, you're welcome.

Second of all, Covey is in our ward. Does that mean that we can't be friends anymore?

Katrina said...


That explains a lot- as to why you're now an all-star (credit dave lesue), and who you delivered cookies to...or do you have even MORE famous people in your ward?

Holly said...

we have even more famous people in our ward. i didn't deliver cookies to him, it was another all-star. our block starts at 1pm if you ever want to come and gawk.

actually, it's not that big of a deal.

Katrina said...

I'm totally coming to gawk. Are the Osmonds in your ward? I can't get enough of 'dem Osmonds!

Holly said...

sorry to disappoint, but there are no osmonds in our ward. but i can be a little bit country and dave can be a little bit rock 'n' roll if you would like.