Monday, December 31, 2007

One More for 2007

Darn it, I thought we'd make it to 100 posts for 2007, but I guess we'll just have to be happy with 95.

It might surprise you to know that despite my scrooginess, I do like Christmas and I celebrate it every year. :-) We had a nice Christmas, although we've all been sick over the last couple of weeks. Poor little Addie was pretty miserable for Christmas. She opened her presents like a trooper, but sacked out for the rest of the day. So, without further adieu, here are my favorite Christmas highlights:
Anders' gift to me

Aani. Sweet, sweet Aani.

Santa found this totally sweet train set at Ross for a killer deal! That Santa...such a savvy shopper!

Addie was an angel in the Nativity...a Diva Angel!

Anders received this T-Rex from Santa. They were cracking me up with their little arms!

The T-Rex's name is Roary. Poor Roary. He looks so tough, but still needs a binky.

This just kills me with its cuteness. What a girl!
So, to make this the longest post ever, I thought it would be appropriate to highlight the year 2007 for us Rasmussons.

* We found our home in Saratoga Springs, remodeled, and moved in.

*Aani Sophia came into the world. What an amazing blessing she's been!

*Addie gave up the binky, moved into a big bed, and potty-trained.

*Anders started preschool and is reading. He continues his quest to dominate the universe by relentlessly asking questions.

*Nils has been plugging away at school, and now has a mere 9 credits before he graduates.

*Katrina. Hmmm. Well, you've all sort of been in my brain this year by reading this blog. So, I'd just like to tell my wonderful friends how much I love you all. I've been blessed with great friends in all stages of my life, and that brings me so much happiness. Thanks! Hope you all have a wonderful 2008.

So long, 2007!


Lindsey said...

Happy New Year! We need to hang out soon. Wait don't i say that in every comment I leave. Shoot.

Melinda B. said...

The short arm dinosaur pic is amazing! That should be blown up and put on Anders' wall. I can't stop laughing.