Monday, May 12, 2008

Kindly Obliterate a Species

Okely dokely, friends. I finished this book last night, and I'm a little surprised of what I thought of it. I had no preconceived notions of what the plot was so I didn't have any expectations. I like the Twilight series, but I'm not one of those people that goes to Forks on Stephenie Meyer Day.

I don't want to ruin anything for people who haven't read it yet, but I'm very curious to see what others thought of it.

I thought the ending was a little too neat and tidy. Perhaps I need more alien vs. human battles, so a sequel would help me feel better.

A penny for your thoughts?


courtneyb said...

i haven't read it yet and have been waiting to hear what people thought of it.

so did you find the Twilight series more entertaining to read?

Doulabug said...

We're going to the library today to check it out. Larry is all anxious to get it.

We still need to read the Twilight series!

jamiea said...

I am on chapter 3 right now and feel like i'm just starting to get into it (it started kinda slow). Like you, I have no preconceived notions so I don't have my hopes up too high. We'll see if i'm still let down, though.

Melinda B. said...

It wasn't what I expected, as I didn't have alot of preconcieved notions myself, but I was still surprised. The ending was a little "happily ever after", but I thought it was going to be a really bitter sweet ending that made me cry so I am glad that didn't happen. And the characters are just reincarnations of the Twilight characters. I thought that was really funny. It took me about 50 or so pages to get into it, but once she was caught I was hooked. Very entertaining and light like the Twilight series, but more thought provoking.
I didn't go to Forks, but I still have a feeling you are making fun of me.....

Katrina said...

Courtney- I thought The Host was as entertaining as Twilight. Twilight is just so legendary, it's almost hard to compare.

Melinda- I'm not making fun of you at all. I'm just not as into Twilight as some, though I really do like it.

Erwin and Michelle said...

I'm done reading The Host, too. When there's a moment, we need to compare thoughts. I liked it, and it's hard to put a but in there, but I agree with the too neat and tidy part. Stephenie has said that it will probably be a trilogy, but that it won't come out for a few years. It's not high on her to do list. The rest of the Twilight books are first priority.