Thursday, May 22, 2008

Our Disneyland Bargain

One of the best parts of our trip to Disneyland were the amazing bargains we got.

*I bought tires 2 years ago and got a free hotel stay for Southern CA. We paid $40 for room taxes, the kids ate free, and they drove us to and from the park every day. I loved it.

*Nils' brother lives in LA, and his partner knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a lady... anyway, someone owed someone else a favor and we were the ones to benefit. The lady works for Disney, so she met us every day and walked us into the park. We paid her $300 to do this, but it saved us about $600.

*Disneyland employees get a 35% discount on merchandise, so she went shopping with us and got us her discount on souvenirs. There are no words as to how happy it made us!

Here are some of the best visual highlights:

The first thing Anders noticed in Disneyland were the gigantic lollipops. He licked that thing for hours, and was really sad when I wouldn't let him finish it off the next day.
We were all really excited to see Goofy, except for the boy. He told me he knew that it was a person in a costume, and was really creeped out that Goofy wouldn't talk. I had to pull him into the picture at the last second. Note the lollipop.
The first day he was too cool for the carousel, the second day he loved it.
One of my favorite parts was taking Addie to meet the princesses. She met Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Pocahontas. Snow White was so sweet, hugging Addie and talking to her. Addie was in awe and speechless. It was so cute, I was actually choked up.
All of us with our Mickey ears.
Nils' dad was kind and brave enough to accompany us on our trip. It helped tons being able to switch off holding Aani and taking kids on rides. He was also our photographer for the most part. We loved Disneyland and want to go every year. Especially if we can get our new shooga mama to get us in for so cheap!


Jamie said...

You're making me want to go back to Disneyland! The picture with Snow White is precious.

mooresclan said...

You can't beat a bargain and Disneyland at that!

courtneyb said...

after our trip and now yours, I'm convinced that if your paying full price it isn't worth it. There always seems to be a good deal and ways to save money.

sounds like it was a nice trip. you should have bought extra suckers to bribe Anders with on your bad days.

Holly said...

i heart disneyland more than i could ever express on a blog (but in person you better believe i can express it).

i have no idea what that means.

and i totally get choked up at disneyland with my kids. it's just so magical for them and i love to see it through their eyes. our last time there, we ran into minnie mouse as she came from backstage and she took nezzie's hand and walked with her for a ways. you better believe i got all verklempt.

Doulabug said...

We have Disney World here in the east and I haven't been there since 1978. Think it's about time I go again????

Glad you like those crazy socks of mine. Maybe you can find them online, or in some funky store out there.

Let me know when you need a doula!

I'm reading Twilight......

Melinda B. said...

Snow White was the Princess who made our trip too! They must pay her extra or something.....

Your deals make me sick.
You always get deals.

Emmy Bludorn said...

Way to go on all your bargains! You really scored. I'll be sure to look you up when we're in the position for a Disneyland trip.