Thursday, May 29, 2008

Someone has a case of the MONDAYS! (On a Thursday, no less!)

After a rough night last night (one kid peed the bed, one kid woke up screaming inconsolably twice, and one kid wouldn't go to sleep at the assigned time because he/she had to "use the bathroom" 25 times in a half-hour) and a rocky start this morning, I've been a cranky butt all day. No Holly, not a butt-hole (you have to click on this link to know why that is so very funny). Here's my sad, sad story:

You may remember Nils getting a contract job almost 4 weeks ago, which was supposed to last 8 days, but has turned into almost 4 weeks, which means that minus our 4 1/2-day CA excursion, we haven't seen much of him. I intentionally made that the longest run on sentence ever to stress my stress.

This job is a huge blessing, in that Nils is getting paid hourly at a pretty decent rate. The extra moolah will help tremendously over the next few months. This job is also a curse in that he goes from one full-time job to the other, works until the wee hours of the morning, and I really miss watching Arrested Development with him after the kids are in bed. Waa. And the kids miss their dad.

This brings me to my philosophical dilemma. Most of the time we're crunched for money, shaking our heads at the $68.00 gas fill-ups, etc. We're always trying to weasel our way into more cash in order to survive. When we're together, the stars are aligned and life is good, even if we have to pinch. When an opportunity like this comes along, we know it will suck for awhile, but when it's over we'll be in a better situation money-wise. I guess my unclear point is I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable. (Not that we're by any means rich; just a little less in the hole.)

In the meantime, Lord, please help me to be better at single-parenting with a happier disposition. And help my sticky kitchen floor to clean itself.

P.S. I had to go the dentist TWICE this week because of excruciating tooth issues. It has nothing to do with anything, I just want pity.


mooresclan said...

Oh, Katrina! I am sorry things are so rough. I am right there with you. Don goes to school in the morning and works until 10:00 at night. Okay, so Don is not gone as much as Nils, but still, it is a lot! I am yet to figure out how to get my kids asleep before 11:00 PM and that is with giving them all Benadryl at 8:30 PM. Add on a couple stupid life stressors and I feel like I am dog paddling in a tsunami. (Mental note to self) videos- good, door locks to keep kids in their rooms- better.

Teresa said...

I know how much it sucks when you are a single parent. Last year when we were trying to finish up our basement Brian was "gone" (he was in the basement, but it really didn't count) most of the day. It sucked rocks, and I only had one kid at the time! I have since done the single parent thing a few times with two and I know all about it! You are SOOOO excited to get them to bed, but then too pooped to want to do anything productive! Brian is planning on going back to school next year, and then he will work full time and go to school full time. I can hardly contain my excitement! If you ever need a stress release feel free to give me a call. I have done my fair share of venting, and I have good venting ears!

Holly said...

let's meet at the park next week! i have much to talk with you about i.e., husband working free-lance and never seeing him, single motherhood, finances, just to name a few.

Doulabug said...

If I were there I would give you a foot massage, a hand massage and whisper, "You can do this. You are strong and capable. Don't give up. There is an end. It's almost over...."

Remember what you wrote - "this job is a huge blessing...we know it will suck for a while..."

It's hard to remember the blessings when you are in the trenches, but they are there. Considered yourself hugged!

Jamie said...

I am so with you with the job-stress sister. Earlier today I started laughing hysterically because I was so stressed out and I really had Brian worried. He wasn't sure if our situation was really funny or if I was just hysterical. At any rate, I read the butt-head story and cried my eyes out. Seriously.

Emmy Bludorn said...

You have my sincere pity.

Brownie Bites said...

I just wear shoes or flipflops in the house all day when my floors get sticky. Which happens quite often. Just can't seem to get around to know, bedsheets and such. But going to the dentist that often. That totally stinks. You have my sincerest pity.

Erwin and Michelle said...

Haha, He a butt hole! I was ROFL. Well, thanks for brightening my crappy day. I have had the headache that just keeps on giving. I hope your days get better... I totally understand what you mean about the second job. That's how I feel when Erwin is teaching at night.

D.J, Laura and Kids said...

Oh sister, I feel your pain and I also cried tears of sadness in your honor, then I realized that your life is my life and I really cried. I love how you articulate (this is way to big of a word for me to be using and I'm sure I spelled it wrong:() your life and the joys of motherhood and just being an adult. Somedays I wish I could lock my kids in the house and go to my moms and just hang out, pretending that I never grew up, but that would probably be a bad idea!!! I love ya and you should call me and we can be single mom's together also thanks for the thumbs up on our yard its been alot of hard work but really fun. call me