My dear friend Becky, future owner of a pony, Husband tagged me.
1. What is your husband's name? Nils Anders Rasmusson
2. How long have you guys been together? We met in December 1996 and have been together since.
3. How long did you date for? He had to go on a mission from Nov. 1997-Nov. 1999, so I guess you can't really count that time as "dating". We were married 6 months after he got home, because he had this lame goal of waiting 6 months. Missionaries are weird.
4. Who eats more? More of what? Hot Pockets- Nils. Salad- Me. Sugary confections- Me again.
5. Who said "I love you" first? I don't remember who said it first, but I do remember we said it for a long time before Nils would admit that he was IN love with me. He said he loved me like a best friend. For not being IN love, he sure liked to make out.
6. Who is taller? Nils.
7. Who sings better? I'm afraid I can't answer that question.
8. Who is smarter? Nils when it comes to his mad skills. Me when it comes to all things practical and logical.
9. Who does the laundry? Me. Nils helps fold when he can.
10. Who does the dishes? Me again.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I like to sleep on my right side without someone breathing in my face, so I do.
12. Who pays the bills? The online automatic bill payer does. I used to, but when I had babies my brain fell out and I forget.
13. Who mows the lawn? Nils.
14. Who cooks dinner? Me. Nils can make man-food, like mac n cheese, frozen pizza, etc.
15. Who is more stubborn? Me. Me me me me me.
16. Who kissed who first? Nils sucked my face off and I thought I was going to suffocate.
17.Who asked who out first? There was no official dating, we just started hanging out every second of every day that we could.
18. Who proposed? Nils did. It was January 3, 2000. I worked until midnight, so he picked me up from work and took me too my elementary school. There was a blanket under a tree that we sat on so we wouldn't freeze to death on the snow. He wrote a little song about fingers and how the 4th finger is the coolest because it gets to wear a ring. He's cute.
19. Who is more sensitive? Me FOR SURE.
20. Who has more friends? Me. I think that goes with the territory of being female and a stay at home mom.
21. Who has more siblings? We both have 5 siblings.
22. Who wears the pants in the family? Nils is pretty laid back, so if I feel strongly about something he lets me have my way. Otherwise I think we're pretty good about coming to an agreement.
I tag Mary Ann and my cousins Melanie and De Ann.