Sunday, September 21, 2008

Random Sampler

Not a whole heck of a lot going on 'round these parts. Here's a little sampling of the not-that-noteworthy-ness:

Here's one of my many battle wounds from playing volleyball. I'm a little less enthusiastic after this last week. We're on a big time losing streak, my friends, and my pride can't take much more.
Here's Addie, all ready for preschool. She's a cutie pie, that one. She's informed me that she wants to be a princess and pony maker when she grows up. Also, she will only wear dresses, so these cute jeans have a permanent spot in her drawer. Can't fight the power, I guess.
Aani saw the camera and made this face. HAM. She cracks us up. She loves dogs now. Her two favorite words are buh-ball and dog-dog. Too bad we're never getting a dog.

Yesterday I was shaving my legs and the razor got caught on my fingernail. No skin was harmed, but it was a disgusting feeling and I'm still a little traumatized. Just thought I'd share.


Doulabug said...

Your boo-boo is huge, holy cow. True dedication. The only bruises I get that are that big are from being clumsy. Or screaming at the television when the Yankees are playing.

Ashli said...

sweet bruise, that's a doosy. Is that how you spell doosy?

Misty Anderson said...

Dang I wish I could be at the games!(not that I would help the losing streak) Great battle wounds they make you look pro!

Emmy Bludorn said...

I've caught my fingernail on the razor and just thinking about it still makes me cringe. It's just a yucky feeling.

Volleyball - I'm impressed. That's quite the battle wound. Wear it proudly.

Holly said...

ew. that is a gross feeling. i'm seriously cringing right now.