Monday, April 27, 2009


As I think about the last few weeks and what I might write, my brain stops working and I want to go to sleep. I dunno. I'm kicking the ol' noggin into gear as of this minute so that I might catch up on the wonderful world of NKAAA Rasmusson. I can feel your excitement. Here we go.
  • I have weaned off Wellbutrin. I've been feeling quite like myself for about a year now and decided to try going off of it. It's been 5 days. So far so good. I don't know if I should crack a joke here. Ahh, what the heck. So if you see me in the fetal position or rocking back and forth, please intervene. HILAAAAARIOUS!
  • Nils is working with a friend/former mission companion on starting a business, and it's consuming his life. We're optimistic that it will be a worthwhile venture.
  • We ate lettuce wraps last week at the Chang's. Mmmmm.
  • Anders had to have a couple of cavities filled, and I requested that Nils accompany him to the dentist. I have definitely had my share of experiences of holding the boy down for shots, IV's, dental visits or what have you. I thought it would be great for Nils to take a turn. Guess what? Anders was a dream. No fuss, no tears, no hysteria. WHAT??? No fair.
  • Addie got a spinning Cinderella toothbrush at the dentist, and Cinderella looks like a scary man. Girl, you know it's true. G-g-g-girl.


Lindsey said...

OMG! We have an Ariel toothbrush from the dentist that looks just as manly as that one! Ah! It's enough to give someone nightmares!

Nils said...

I've been brushing with Addie's toothbrush every night 'cause that Cinderella is just so slammin' hot! Reggglllllle!!!!

Emmy Bludorn said...

Why does she look so scared?

Let me know how the Wellbutrin weaning goes. The few times I've gone off mine (Celexa) - accidentally - it hasn't gone so well. The rage comes out.

Teresa said...

You guys and your tooth brushes! Luuucky. All I have is plain on' white.

Doulabug said...

Drugs. Work. Lettuce. Cavities. Cinderella. You have the best blog!

Holly said...

that is one seriously scary looking cinderella.

Tigerlily said...

Well... count your blessings that it was only cavities. Kids do get braver for the dentist as they grow...It's when they beg to go that you should fear the worst..Take my Amanda....she started begging three days ago. I finally took her in and she had an abscessed tooth removed and a spacer put in...the bill over $400.

Becky said...

Luckily Cinderella has a sweet spirit to fall back on.