Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Here's our new baby girl. We think she's rather cute, and we think we shall call her Ava.

Responses of A1, A2, & A3 upon learning they're getting a new sister:

Anders: (Crawling under chair) Why doesn't Heavenly Father want me to have any brothers?

Addie: I wish the baby would be born today, so we could see what it really is. Maybe the baby just hasn't grown a pepe (our word for boy part) yet.

Aani: It's a baby! Look! It's a baby! Look, Mommy! Look, Daddy! It's a baby! (And so forth and so on....)

Anders, for obvious reasons, wanted a brother.

Addie wanted a brother because "we're missing a boy", and she wanted to even things out, I guess.

Aani really has no clue as to what's going on and is in for the shock of her life in a few months.

We're happy about having another girl. They've turned out pretty gosh-darn cute so far. They'll just have to pay for their own weddings. Or marry rich boys.

Ava's been a kicky little thing lately; Nils has even felt her a couple of times. It's at this point that the pregnancy becomes real to me. The sickness is gone for the most part, baby's moving, and we know she's a girl so we can plan accordingly and get excited for her to arrive. And I cannot believe that we have agreed on a name- a GIRL name, no less- this soon. It's unheard of!


Robin B said...

Yeah, for baby girls. Congratulations.

When I found out Devin was going to be a boy. Olivia cried and cried saying, "We already have one of those." but when she saw him she loved him immediately. So I'm sure it will be the same for when Ava arrives.

Farrah said...

Ahh, so cute! Love the picture and the name. And Anders is going to be the most protective big brother there is. He'll love all of his little sisters. So excited for all of you!

*Jane Lee* said...

I absolutely LOVE the name. Every time I'm pregnant I wish to have a girl and name her Avery so I can call her Ava for short. So far, no luck (obviously). At least someone around here gets to have a girl. :)

Teresa said...

Yeah for little girls! She is as cute as a button:c) I like the name Ava, it is very cute. Glad you are feeling better!

Unknown said...

Congrats!!! <3

Doulabug said...

So Heavenly Father is out to get Anders. Poor guy. I didn't have ANY sibs so I felt the whole world was out to get me. :O) Maybe you could tell him he will always have his very own bedroom and won't have to SHARE!!

Miss Ava. Love it!

courtneyb said...

yes, you do make VERY cute girls, way to keep it going.
Anders is hilarious! Poor guy, he'll have a lot of brother in laws some day.
Cute name, I dig it.

Holly said...

cute name, and i'm sure she'll match it. you guys do make some cute kids.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on naming her. It can sometimes be quite the headache.

Jeremie Brecheisen said...

Love AVA.