Friday, July 24, 2009

The Firehouse

My brother Greg is a firefighter, and he invited us to come take a tour of the firehouse. Well, tour the firehouse we did!
However, there's an important side to the story. On the way to Salt Lake, Addie was complaining that her tummy hurt. We picked Nils up from work and went to get some dinner. As soon as we walked into the eating establishment, she threw up. Nice timing, Add. We cleaned it up, the rest of us got food, etc. Then Addie said she was going to throw up again, so Nils tried rushing her to the bathroom. She made it as far as the bathroom door. So we cleaned it up (and when I say "we", I mean Nils, as per our pre-nuptual agreement; he cleans up vomit, I clean up everything else.)
Being the trooper she is, Addie said she still wanted to go to the fire station. She knew that the discomfort of vomiting repeatedly is no match for the wrath of Anders' devastation.

Cuteness. Hello.
He wanted to sleep over.
And, in the words of Anders, "Uncle Greg isn't the best uncle in the world. He's the best uncle in the UNIVERSE!"
There aren't many pictures of Addie, because she was throwing up almost the whole time. There's a big drain out in the bay where the firetruck is, so she stood over it most of the time. Seriously, this girl took one for the team. She's one in a million.

And Nils and I don't actually have a pre-nup, but he really does clean up the vomit. And I really do clean up everything else.


Teresa said...

I love that they have such small fire jackets! Do they have that small of firefighters??

Bev said...

They look so cute in the fire gear! Poor Addie, she is a tough cookie to be throwing up and still wanting to go through with the excursion.

Doulabug said...

What is it with kids and firemen? And fire trucks. And helmets? They just seem to go together! Your local fire dept. should use that picture of the girls as a poster or something. It is cuteness personified!

Jeremie Brecheisen said...

Those pictures are so cute! Love it.