Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Who has time to blog?

You know how it is, right? You have 6 blog posts floating around in your head, but don't have time or energy to sit and actually write them?

Real quick:

The Rasmusson birthday marathon has come to a close, thank goodness. I don't recommend 3 birthdays in 8 days. I will post about these birthdays soon... probably.

Ava has finally given us some smiles! She's been kind of a grumpy little thing, but hopefully that's working itself out. She also has had her days and nights mixed up, but that also seems to be working itself out. I just can't believe how tired I am at the end of the day. I have a book that I need to read by Thursday for book club, and I cannot stay awake- and it's not because it's boring. I just can't keep my wee eyes open.

In 30 minutes, I'm getting my very first root canal. HOW EXCITED AM I!!!

Peace out.


Brownie Bites said...

Ahhh, the good old days of newborns. It would be nice if you could just focus on the baby and the other kiddos without the hassle of bdays and ROOTCANALS! Good heavens.

Jamie said...

You are a busy mommy! BTW I like your blog layout. Really cute.

Bev said...

Good luck with root canal. I don't envy you there!

Becky said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope your day was fabulous and fun-filled. Also, happy root canal! That's also a cause for celebration, right? ;0)

Doulabug said...

How was you root canal?? I hope it went okay. I've had a few in my day and only one was a little weird.