Friday, November 12, 2010

History, part 6

Can you remember a historic event that happened when you were in school?

Yup. The first one was when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded. I was in second grade, and I remember my teacher wheeling a T.V. into the classroom so we could watch the news. It was so sad. I ran home after school and told my mom, "The space shuttle exploded! They're not sending any other astronauts to space until 1988!" My mom hadn't been watching the news that day, so I was proud to be her informer of world events.

Second would be the Berlin Wall coming down, but I was but a wee lass didn't understand the politics or implications of it, really. I mostly just remember watching it on the news with my dad.

Third, the infamous O.J. Simpson debacle. I was a junior in high school when the verdict was read. I was sitting in Mrs. Gessel's Humanities class, watching it go down on the boob tube. When the "not guilty" verdict was read, a girl sitting next to me shouted, "OUR JUSTICE SYSTEM HAS FAILED!" I thought that was pretty dramatic. Thus, it is burned in my memory.

Fourth, my graduating high school was a pretty historic event.


Bev said...

Katrina! I'm enjoying your question/answer's on your blog, very fun! It's been FOREVER since we've hung out, i am pretty sure we need to remedy that!

Unknown said...

Such cute pictures of your kids, they are all darling!