Thursday, August 30, 2007

We're Not Dead.

Based on the lack of recent posts you might think we had died or something but only our internet has. I'm writing from work right now. We use Saratoga Cable at home and the internet has been almost completely out for over a MONTH now. It's totally ridiculous. Every day when we call to complain they say "Oh, did it just go out?", as if this is a recent development. Then they tell us everyday that it will be working tomorrow. They've said that for 32 days now. There's a little bit of bandwidth in the wee hours of the night on occasion so once in a while we'll get an email or two but that's about it. We've reached our patience limit so Katrina signed us up for Qwest and we'll see if that's any better. It's got to be better than this.
School has started and I'm going full time, so that's a barrel of fun. I'm only gone four nights a week so it's not like I miss my family or anything- I mean, I still get almost 2.25 days to spend with them (and get everything else in life done). Katrina's not loving this schedule but she's one tough mama so she's hanging in there. I graduate next spring, in my 12th year of college. OK, so I went on a mission and took a couple of semesters off, too.
My neighbor, Rob, and I have been getting up at 5 for the last two weeks to go running. We only run about two miles- half downhill and half uphill. I'm pathetically weak and slow but Rob's not much faster so it works out well. It's great to get an early start on the day but it really slows me down around 11 or 12 PM, when I'm usually doing websites or homework. Oh well. I'll adjust.

That's it for now. We should have the internet hooked up in the next week or so.
Rock On. -Nils


Anonymous said...

I feel your internet woes. A month is absolutely ridiculous! I couldn't function that long.

Teresa said...

Thank you Nils. Brian is getting up around 5:30 to go to work and we don't get to bed until 11-12. So, now I can make him feel better by telling him that you choose to get up a half an hour earlier than that and don't get to bed any sooner!