Saturday, September 08, 2007

Hairy Ribs

Are your dates out with your spouse pathetic like ours?

We had a big night out tonight at the Ruby River restaurant. Yeeeee-Haaaaww! We hate that place. We've always hated it, but when you have a $25 gift certificate, you suffer through it to the tune of free food. We ordered a full rack (I feel so naughty saying "full rack"-hee hee!) of ribs to share. Cost: $18.99. When said ribs were brought to us, there was a huge hair intertwined between them. Now, Nils and I aren't the type to complain superfluously at restaurants, but seriously. We needed to be compensated for our pain and suffering. They brought us a new plate, and took $15.00 off our bill. Pretty good, Ruby River, but please...keep the change. The waiter got to keep the remaining balance of the gift certificate. It would be too much mental stress for us to go back.

After Ruby River, we went to Deseret Book so I could buy New Moon and Eclipse. Yes, I too have jumped on the vampire bandwagon. But gets wilder.

We then went to Target and bought pants for our kids. Nils also got himself a hat that says "Dirtball". We're not even sure what that's supposed to mean.

So, we've had it confirmed once again that we are boring, tired, pathetic parents who haven't the energy to think of something cool or creative to do for 3 hours without our children. However, we're home now and feel somewhat renewed. Especially since we didn't have to put the little critters to bed.


courtneyb said...

I think getting out of bedtime duties is always worth it!!

Holly said...

I always try and talk Dave into going to Target when we are out. It's an even better place to go when you are without your children! Ideal for me,
nightmare-ish for him.

Lindsey said...

That sounds about like our "dates". I just finished Eclipse! You will LOVE it!!! I can't wait for the next one. I love vampires...