Saturday, March 15, 2008

Digital Nip & Tuck Session with Today's Guests, Fernando & Fernanda

On Wednesday I took some engagement photos for a co-worker, who we'll call Fernanda and then asked her and her fiance, who we'll call Fernando, to pick out three or four that they liked the best so I could edit them. She chose three but she left out one of my favorite shots so I decided to go ahead and doctor it up anyway. The above image is the original.
My first step was to fix the colors just a bit.

Then I commenced the nip, tuck process. Starting with Fernanda, I slimmed the neck, removed some chinnage and smoothed out her skin. To do the neck/chin I mostly just adjusted the solid shadow and extended it to the light area so there was no grey area of shadow. Just light and dark. I also used the smudge tool to push her skin in a bit and thin her jaw/neck area out.

Then on to Fernando. I'm not quite sure why I'm using fake names. I guess to protect the innocent. Anyway, Fernando had a happier face in another shot so I decided to gently remove his head from the other shot and carefully place it on to his body in this shot. It was painful for him but more so for me because the smiley head was photographed in a different part of the park and needed some tweaking to work with the bridge version of Fernando. I gave Fernando a nip and tuck, too. Again, extending the shadows to make a solid chin then smoothing out the skin and removing highlights on the forehead and cheeks.
When Fernando's new head looked so nice, Fernanda got jealous. She too wanted a new head so I granted her wish. With the new head in place, a new nip and tuck session was necessary. I took care of that the same way.

I showed Katrina the results and she said it looked better but the blowing hair on the side of her face was distracting so I politely asked Fernanda to pull back her hair. She obliged.

At that point the editing was pretty much taken care of, or at least the surgical procedures. I then played around with the mood of the photo and settled on this.

Here's the finished product. Of course, the full color version is available to her if she prefers that. Also, because I did this all in photoshop, she can choose which head she and her fiance have and how her hair is done simply by making layers visible or invisible. Aaah, Photoshop. I was meant for this dispensation.If anybody else would like a nip and tuck (digitally only- sorry) then feel free to send me a photo. I enjoy the practice.


Teresa said...

wow. if only you could do it for real! i would like my head from 10 yrs ago.

Lindsey said...

Really? This could be fun... I am going to email you a picture.

Emmy Bludorn said...

i usually end up with about 3 chins in all my pictures so I'm sure you could do wonders with me.