Sunday, March 30, 2008

No Family Allowed

Anders has been in a pretty grumpy mood for the last several days, complaining and whining about nearly everything. He was mad at lunch today about something (not sure what- surely something deeply concerning, like the color of his cup) so he went to his room for a few minutes then came out with the above sign and asked for some tape to put it up on his door. I love the giant slash through our family. It's like we're a giant cigarette in his no-smoking zone. I gave him some tape. He explained that when his door is closed and this sign is up he just wants to be alone. If, however, the door is closed but he's not in his room, then we're free to enter his room. Great.

I have to say, it's a very effective sign- clear and to the point. Kudos to our little grump.


Emmy Bludorn said...

That's awesome. You know, sometimes you just need some alone time! I can relate to the boy. Let me know how that goes for y'all! I'm sure Addie was thrilled.

Lindsey said...

Oh my gosh, that is too funny. Caleb's been really grumpy too... must be the weather.

captainPickle said...

Do you think Anders got his sweet graphic design talent from Nils?

Unknown said...

cracks me up!! can he make me one?

Holly said...

i love it. that's hilarious! i also like your curly hair.