Monday, June 30, 2008

Mudders and Tapers, Mudders and Tapers!

This isn't the most impressive picture, but it's enough to prove that progress is in fact being made on our basement. I'm so excited! Nils has been working on it little by little since we moved in last March. We've had quite a bit of help from family and friends as well, and now we see it becoming a reality. Nils has been spread pretty thin lately, so his grand ambitions of mudding, taping and texturing by himself flew out the window a couple of months ago. The mudders and tapers started on Saturday. I love them. I don't know them, but I love them. When they're done, it means the basement is almost done (sans the bathroom). I'm stoked.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Aani!

Our baby turns one today! There are so many things I could say about little Aani. She oozes sweetness, is a charmer, loves everyone and everyone loves her. She is such a blessing and we're so thankful she's part of our family!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I ain't Pregnant!

Let it be known that I am not pregnant. I have not been pregnant since June 19, 2007. When I posted my APRIL FOOL'S joke pregnancy test on APRIL FOOL'S DAY, some people didn't read the comments in which my hilarious prank was revealed.

Allow me to explain. I was called as Gospel Doctrine teacher last Sunday and had to teach today. I was very nervous. I felt like I might vomit. During the good news minute in Relief Society I said my good news was that I didn't throw up during Sunday School. I assumed everyone knew what I meant by that. In the hall afterward, someone asked me if I'm pregnant. Suddenly very self-conscious I said: "No, why do you ask?" She told me it was because I said I didn't throw up during Sunday School.

Tonight I got a phone call from my pal Kari, and she asked me if I'm pregnant. I said, "NO! Why does everyone think I'm pregnant?" She told me that people in the ward who read this here blog saw my "announcement" on APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Apparently my little comment in Relief Society today really sealed the deal. So Kari's mother-in-law is the compassionate service leader in our ward, and Kari saw that I was on the "Expectant Mothers" list. She was kind enough to notify me of this fact, since she knew that I'm not actually pregnant. Dear, dear Kari.

First of all, I had no idea that many people in my ward read my blog. 'Fess up, stalkers! You know who you are! Second of all, I'll happily stay on the Expectant Mothers list if you'll bring me dinner. Just know that there is no bun in the oven. Third of all, when words like "I didn't throw up during Sunday School" enter my brain, I will turn my mental filter on high in an attempt to keep them from exiting my mouth.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Maimed by a Roller Skate

Every month Nils and I take turns taking Anders out. When Nils takes him he calls it "Boys Night", and when I take him it's "Anders and Mommy Night". Friday night I took my boy out and he wanted to go roller skating. Nils has taken him a couple of times and told me how Anders flailed violently.

It's been at least ten years since I last went, but I used to be quite the little Disco-Saturday-Night skating queen, so I thought it would come right back. Nope. I put the skates on, stood up, and immediately fell down, arms flailing all the while. A group of 10-year old boys laughed at me.
The top of his head is cut off because I was having a hard time balancing.We got going and after a couple of hours were much less spastic.

We bought a churro to celebrate.
After a few uneventful falls and some mild flailing, we were feeling more confident. We were jammin' out to "Celebrate Good Times" when Anders took a tumble and slammed into me, hurtling me in the air. My lower back landed on the wheel of his skate. It was unpleasant. I have a gigantic bruise on my back in the shape of a wheel. Anders claims it was ME that fell first, and when we got home he said to Nils, "Mom fell A LOT." Sheesh. There's appreciation for ya. I am very, very sore, but at the same time pretty proud of my wheel-shaped souvenir.

I really love going out with Anders, just the two of us. He loves that he gets my undivided attention, and I always have more appreciation for him and the fantastic kid that he is. Even if I'm maimed in the process.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Banish the Curls?

Since I bought my flat iron I have a whole new outlook on my hair. I've been hating my curly hair lately- it never seems to fall right, and more often than not I feel like a triangle-head. This results in rash, spur-of-the-moment haircuts, because for some crazy reason I keep thinking cutting more hair off is going to cure the pyramid-head syndrome. Since I can have straight hair now, I want to shave my head less frequently. When I'm not happy with how it looks curly (which is often) I can whip out the ol' flatiron and feel much better. HOWEVER, if it rains, is at all humid outside, or if I sweat- watch out for bendy hair with random kinks.

So, my friends, herein lies the question- should I get it chemically straightened? I brought it up to Nils and he's fully supportive. He likes my hair straight because he can run his fingers through it without them getting stuck.


It would be much faster than using the flat iron alone.
It wouldn't frizz out when I'm exposed to moisture.
I could probably manage to grow it past my neck if I stop having compulsions to shave it.
Nils says a change would do me good. (Of course I had to wonder if he's secretly always hated it curly. When I asked him I got a huge sigh and eye-roll.)


It's hard on hair and has to be done somewhat frequently because of regrowth.
It's sort of permanent.
I have visions of my over-processed hair breaking off at the roots.
What if I miss my curls and end up getting a perm?

What think ye?

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

You're Killing Me, Marc Brown!

I really like the PBS show Arthur. Good thing my kids like it too, otherwise I'd probably watch it without them. We have a couple of Arthur books that the kids (and I) really like. The author, Marc Brown, always hides the names of his kids in his illustrations. I've been able to find them in all the books we own except one: Glasses for D.W.

When this book is chosen for a bedtime story, I end up taking it after the kids are asleep so I can obsessively search out the hidden names. I haven't found them. It's been months. I've even tried to cheat and Google it, but apparently no one else has had much trouble, or they just don't care enough to document their trouble on the internet.

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone out there in cyberspace owns this book and knows where these blasted names are, by all means, fill me in.