Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Aani!

Our baby turns one today! There are so many things I could say about little Aani. She oozes sweetness, is a charmer, loves everyone and everyone loves her. She is such a blessing and we're so thankful she's part of our family!


mooresclan said...

Happy birthday Aani! Thanks for your comment on my post. I really appreciate it.

Doulabug said...

Look at her little feet. Don't you just love baby feet?

Nils said...

I may be a bit biased but I just have to say that Aani is the sweetest little thing on two feet (or two knees and two hands). She just melts my heart every time I see her or even think about her. Last night when I went to bed she was in my spot so I snuggled her in my arms and loved it. I'm so in love with my little Aani. Happy Birthday!

Holly said...

are you serious, she is one already!? time flies.

seriously, let's get together already. i'm beginning to think you are just a big tease katrina.

Becky said...

Happy Birthday Aani! She is too cute!

Rasmussons said...

I can't believe Aani is already one. Happy Birthday!!!! She is so cute. Anders and Addie have grown so much. We miss you guys!!! By the way, I love to check your blog, and learn what the family is up to. I also thought you were pregnant, until we talk to Grandpar, and had to recheck the date of the posting and figured out it was a joke. Take care,