Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Maimed by a Roller Skate

Every month Nils and I take turns taking Anders out. When Nils takes him he calls it "Boys Night", and when I take him it's "Anders and Mommy Night". Friday night I took my boy out and he wanted to go roller skating. Nils has taken him a couple of times and told me how Anders flailed violently.

It's been at least ten years since I last went, but I used to be quite the little Disco-Saturday-Night skating queen, so I thought it would come right back. Nope. I put the skates on, stood up, and immediately fell down, arms flailing all the while. A group of 10-year old boys laughed at me.
The top of his head is cut off because I was having a hard time balancing.We got going and after a couple of hours were much less spastic.

We bought a churro to celebrate.
After a few uneventful falls and some mild flailing, we were feeling more confident. We were jammin' out to "Celebrate Good Times" when Anders took a tumble and slammed into me, hurtling me in the air. My lower back landed on the wheel of his skate. It was unpleasant. I have a gigantic bruise on my back in the shape of a wheel. Anders claims it was ME that fell first, and when we got home he said to Nils, "Mom fell A LOT." Sheesh. There's appreciation for ya. I am very, very sore, but at the same time pretty proud of my wheel-shaped souvenir.

I really love going out with Anders, just the two of us. He loves that he gets my undivided attention, and I always have more appreciation for him and the fantastic kid that he is. Even if I'm maimed in the process.


Holly said...

you should take a picture of the bruise so that you can blame him for the rest of his life.

and i think i would have paid money to see you on skates...not that i would be much better. maybe that can be our activity for our next girls night out.

Melinda B. said...

What a great tradition!

Here is an extra special link for you, just in case you are looking for a hobby


My BIL has gone to some of the matches in SLC. Pretty wild.

Lindsey said...

What a good idea! We should start doing that!

elise said...

Hey girl I found you on Jamie Austin's page. I love it. We live so far away we need blogs to stay in touch!

Doulabug said...

OUCH! OUCH! OUCH! What a mom won't do.......

mooresclan said...

I went ice skating with the fam a couple months ago. I fell tons of times too. But mine were total face plants. I looked like Tom in the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" where he always gets flattened like a pancake. Ky felt bad and embarrassed at the same time. I thought maybe I fell because I was still getting my balance back after having a baby. Needless to say, I have been too scared to go ice skating again for fear that I will realize that I have become clumsy.

courtneyb said...

Oh, what I would've paid to have seen that!!
I feel the same way about when I take my kids on a date, you appreciate them so much more and it's fun to enjoy their personalities.

Jess said...

Do you have any pictures of you in your Disco-Saturday-Night glory? That would be a treat to see! What a fun Mom you are!! I once was being a cool Mom on the playground with Hailey...doing cherry drops on the bars and all....ended up with huge, ugly, black bruises behind my knees. I guess I weighed alot more than when I was a kidder. By the way, I'm doing a contest on my blog, and I really REALLY want you to participate because you are HILARIOUS!! If you have time please stop by my blog, and invite your friends.(shhhhh, no husbands aloud)