Monday, June 30, 2008

Mudders and Tapers, Mudders and Tapers!

This isn't the most impressive picture, but it's enough to prove that progress is in fact being made on our basement. I'm so excited! Nils has been working on it little by little since we moved in last March. We've had quite a bit of help from family and friends as well, and now we see it becoming a reality. Nils has been spread pretty thin lately, so his grand ambitions of mudding, taping and texturing by himself flew out the window a couple of months ago. The mudders and tapers started on Saturday. I love them. I don't know them, but I love them. When they're done, it means the basement is almost done (sans the bathroom). I'm stoked.


Doulabug said...

THERE you are! I was wondering what happened to you but now I know that you have fallen for the mudders and tapers. Kinky!

Brownie Bites said...

I'm so jealous. We thought we would finish our basement on our own as well. That is, until church started demanding a little more of our time.How exciting to be that close to having a finished basement. Yay for you!!!!

Jamie said...

woo hoo. That is very fun!

mooresclan said...

It will be so nice to have that finished.I bet you can't wait to have a basement!

Ashli said...

who knew what joy a finished basement could provide. Good luck getting it all finished.