Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Banish the Curls?

Since I bought my flat iron I have a whole new outlook on my hair. I've been hating my curly hair lately- it never seems to fall right, and more often than not I feel like a triangle-head. This results in rash, spur-of-the-moment haircuts, because for some crazy reason I keep thinking cutting more hair off is going to cure the pyramid-head syndrome. Since I can have straight hair now, I want to shave my head less frequently. When I'm not happy with how it looks curly (which is often) I can whip out the ol' flatiron and feel much better. HOWEVER, if it rains, is at all humid outside, or if I sweat- watch out for bendy hair with random kinks.

So, my friends, herein lies the question- should I get it chemically straightened? I brought it up to Nils and he's fully supportive. He likes my hair straight because he can run his fingers through it without them getting stuck.


It would be much faster than using the flat iron alone.
It wouldn't frizz out when I'm exposed to moisture.
I could probably manage to grow it past my neck if I stop having compulsions to shave it.
Nils says a change would do me good. (Of course I had to wonder if he's secretly always hated it curly. When I asked him I got a huge sigh and eye-roll.)


It's hard on hair and has to be done somewhat frequently because of regrowth.
It's sort of permanent.
I have visions of my over-processed hair breaking off at the roots.
What if I miss my curls and end up getting a perm?

What think ye?


Teresa said...

When I was going to move to CA I considered straightening my hair (I have natural curl, but with the length it is more like natural frizz). My biggest hang up, was the having to do it often. I think you should go for it. If you don't like it, your curl will always grow back. If you do straighten it, let me know how it goes...I am still entertaining the thought myself!:cP

Farrah said...

I have to vote on the negative. Yucky, yucky chemicals and fried hair just sounds...well, disgusting. But I am a little biased for the grow-your-hair-long-and-look-like-a-
hippie-like-me look so you might want to count my vote as a half vote. If you do do it, I expect a full report and pictures!

Emmy Bludorn said...

I had to laugh when you said triangle-head. I am always telling Matt he has a triangle head; I've never heard anyone else use the phrase before.

As for chemically straightening it, talk to BreAnne. She started doing that to her hair and does yearly touchups because it's so expensive. When the roots start to grow in, she takes the flat iron to them, which is quicker than having to flat iron the whole mop. Her hair is not fried at all. I believe there are different ways to go about this and some are more effective than others. If you want me to have BreAnne email about it all, let me know.

Doulabug said...

Well here are my two cents which you can take or leave 'cause I've never even seen you in person! My original vote was to leave it alone. I think your curly hair is pretty, but this from one who has fine, thin hair. But when I read over what you said, it sounds like your heart is telling you to go for the chemicals. Toss a coin. Really. Whatever it comes up, see how you feel. Do you say, "Oh good! That's what I was hoping for!!" Or do you say, "Nuts. I was hoping for the other."

And as always, hair grows out....

Lindsey said...

I say do it! But I have ADD with my hair and change it all the time so... take my vote for what it is. I just like hair change. Period. If you had straight I'd probobly say to perm it. But really, i think it'd be a good easy change for you.

Melinda B. said...

Life is too short.
And hair grows back.

Go for it.

mooresclan said...

I don't think I have ever seen your hair straight. I have heard that they have never come up with a great way of straightening hair permanently, but that the chemicals were okay. But I say it is like a perm. Get your hair straight. It will grow out just about the time you are ready to have it curly again. I thought what Emmy said was good, you could just worry about straightening the roots when they grow out and not the whole hair.

Holly said...


actually i don't know if that's how i really feel about it, but i just wanted to say that. and in my head it was loud and in a deep voice. FYI.

and also, i am a horrible friend. were we supposed to meet at the park yesterday or were our plans never finalized? should we try again? can you trust me?