Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The 100 Curse

Well, September has flown by and I have a piddly little 57 blog posts for the year. My OCD has to have 100 again this year. Hoo-boy, it's going to be an interesting 3 months for all of us.

I have 66 days until my due date of December 5. (FYI, Ash). I don't have a countdown ticker because I think it would make the time go slower for me. I have been pregnant for eternity. I know everybody thinks that they have been pregnant for eternity, too- but I really have. So there. Lately I've been worrying that she is actually a he. Not that I wouldn't love a he, but we've been calling her Ava and have grown quite fond of the idea of another she-Rasmusson. I was looking at the ultrasound pics of the... ya know... and I have to say, I just don't see it. I'm no ultrasound technician, but these things have been wrong before *cough* Melinda! *cough cough*. Nils thinks I'm a kook. I think he's on to me.

Speaking of Nils, he is attending Photoshop World this week in Vegas. I'm thinking the kids and I might drive down on Friday and harass him until he comes home. Am I brave enough to drive 6 hours as the lone parent? More importantly, am I brave enough to wrangle the kids for two days in LAS VEGAS by my 7 month gestational self while the hubs is geekin' it up with Photoshop all weekend? Do you think he would drive home with us, even though he has a perfectly valid plane ticket home? These are questions I'm willing to get to the bottom of.

1 comment:

mooresclan said...

Let alone drive in a car that long when you are 7 months pregnant. You are my hero.