Friday, September 18, 2009

The PJ

PJ= Pregnancy Journal, 29 weeks.

I went for a check-up today. At my appointment last month I realized I haven't even met 2 of the doctors in the clinic. I've had the same doc for all my pregnancies and he's delivered every time, which has been serendipitous. I thought I should meet at least one of the new guys, just in case. I did so today, and can I just say... he reminded me of a word that rhymes with backjass.
Very impersonal and rushed, and the only question he asked was, "what are you planning on using for birth control?" That's nice. Then he started talking about "getting fixed", as he so eloquently put it, and proceeded to educate me as to how it's permanent.


And that was the end of our time together.

I missed my regular doctor, the one I see at Hallmark and the gym. Tried and true. Sometimes annoying, but always willing to address my concerns, big or small. Last week after my little incident, I called the clinic to talk about going back on meds. He called later that night to see how things were going. I thought it was nice, since normally his nurse takes care of that stuff.

Have you ever been at a restaurant and decided it would be character building to order something different, so you do and then you end up puking all night and cursing the menu gods and wishing you had just ordered the regular old hamburger? Yeah. That's kinda like me and my obstetrician.


Doulabug said...

What a jerk. He's lucky you didn't clobber him and walk out.

(Did you notice that I get really annoyed with idiot doctors?!)

Hooray for the good ones!

Robin B said...

There was one of those jerks in the clinic when I had Devin. I prayed that he would not be the one to deliver. I hope you get the good doctor when you have this baby.

Brownie Bites said...

I can not believe that. I'm so sorry. I love my OB. I hope you can just stay with your tried and true doc.