Monday, September 28, 2009

About oversharing

Nils was kind enough to make me a new blog header, and I thought the subtitle "A place for oversharing" was appropriate, since I tend to be a real oversharer.

I overshared big time yesterday in RS when the instructor asked me to share an experience. So I blabbed on and on, and the whole time the oversharing alarms were going off in my head, but I couldn't stop my mouth from moving. I didn't overshare anything that I haven't already here on the WORLD WIDE WEB, so I guess I figured what the hay! I've been spending a considerable amount of brain power wondering why. The only thing I can come up with is that I just don't care if people know certain things about me. Why I'm compelled to say things publicly, I know not. I just hope the impression I give isn't negative. I really don't want to be a bummer. I don't want my li'l blog to be a bummer, either.

So thanks for putting up with my soul-bearing. I appreciate it lots.


Farrah said...

Sadly, I'm not in your RS anymore to experience your oversharing, so the blog is the only place I can get it. Please continue to overshare away. It wouldn't be the same without it. Continue on, my friend!

Ashli said...

you don't overshare you are just open. I think that's the best way to be. Plus it makes other people feel okay maybe I'm not crazy after all. keep it up.
BTW where's your cutsie baby ticker I don't even know when #4 is supposed to make her debut.

Gingerlylizzy said...

Hello darling. I am an over-sharer too. I always tell Dave to elbow me when I am doing too much as my cue to SHUT UP. I guess I don't care either and I think part of it is my desire to see those comfortable around me... and I guess it is easier for people to relax when they know all of my ditry secrets (or not so dirty). LOL!

mooresclan said...

I love reading your blog. It is interesting and not a bummer at all.

lovesflowers said...

If you didn't share I would not know that I am not the only crazy person on earth.