Friday, September 25, 2009

I got my craft on- sorta

Why does sewing fill me with rage? I took 3 years of sewing in high school, and by my senior year I thought it was something I actually enjoyed. In the 13 years since then, it's been confirmed again and again that I don't enjoy sewing- what I enjoyed was the socializing that took place in sewing class. That, and the fact that my teacher helped me fix all my mistakes.

With that brief history, we had Super Saturday last week. One of the projects were these cute li'l aprons, made from a dish towel and a small amount of fabric. I thought they looked simple enough that I could handle it, and perhaps even enjoy the process. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Simple- yes. Enjoyed the process- no.

Since cursing is generally frowned upon at church activities, I took my unfinished aprons home and wondered if they would ever get finished. The next day I took them to my mommy's house, and she pretty much took care of the rest. And my kids think I'm amazingly talented. Yep.


Bev said...

Those are such cute lil' aprons! Way to go-didn't we take a sewing class together? I think i only had the attention span to do one course.

Doulabug said...

Oh my goodness, I hate sewing too! The guilt overwhelms me. Or underwhelms me.