Friday, June 15, 2007

Deadline: Tuesday

Well, it's official. I've never been this pregnant. Now, I understand that many people go past their due dates and are thinking I'm a huge whiner and I just need to suck it up. Which I am, and I do. It's just that both of my kids were early, so that's what I've come to expect. And the whole changing of the due date thing really threw me off.

So, I've decided to stop complaining. I'm not taking anymore castor oil because I think I'd have to drink the whole bottle. By the way, nothing happened at all from the amount I took. It didn't affect my digestive system in the least, thank goodness.

I will be induced on Tuesday, provided nothing happens over the weekend. I actually think it would be swell to deliver on Sunday. That way, I don't have to go to church and have everyone aghast that I'm still pregnant, and, since it's Father's Day, I can count the baby as Nils' present.

We're naming her Aani Sophia, for those of you wondering. :-) Send good vibes my way for Aani to arrive on June 17th.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear the whole castor oil thing didn't work out. I heard that a sure fire technique for inducing labor is to eat like 8 cups of mayonnaise. Give it a try and let me know if it works. Seriously. :)

courtneyb said...

RRRIIIIIIIGGHHT!!! 8 cups of mayo. I'd just wait for the induction. why waste the calories on mayo?
or does it make you so sick you gag and the stomach contracting puts you in labor?

Holly said...

i heard that s-e-x also helps.