Monday, September 01, 2008

Occupying the Wee Children

Howdy ho, everyone! It's been a while, it's true. Anders started kindergarten last week and loves it, of course. The first day of school I told him I would miss him. He looked at me and said, "Okay". He's totally in his element at school. He's quite the little whiz-kid, if I do say so myself.Addie has been a little sad since Anders goes to school every day. I didn't put Anders in preschool when he was three so I didn't plan on it with Addie, but she keeps asking where she gets to go. She's starting a little neighborhood preschool tomorrow, so I think she'll love it.
We got Aani a job at a call center, so that's where she'll be when the older ones are at school. The girl's gotta earn her keep. Money doesn't grow on trees, young grasshopper.


*Jane Lee* said...

Who's doing a preschool in our neighborhood? Sallie? Someone else? How come I didn't know? I feel so left out. Maybe I can throw Max in the next session. Will there be a next session? I WANNA KNOW! Oh, that was meant to be read in a nice way. :o) Cam also got a job at a call center... now, if I can just find that picture. Hey, maybe they can carpool?

courtneyb said...

Let me know what company Addie is working for, I've been trying to find something for Abbey on her days off of school.
I've been waiting to hear how things went with Anders starting school. I guess I care more about your life than I should.

Ashli said...

I'm glad it's all working out for you. We are enjoying he whole school thing as well. Except for the fact that they put Ethan on the wrong bus home the first day and when he didn't get off I about had a heart attack. good times. We found him and he was fine...I wasn't!

Doulabug said...

What a lucky woman you are to have three such cool kids.

Becky said...

It's about time Aani started bringing in some cash!! Does she expect a free ride her whole life? She needs to learn! I'm impressed by your good parenting skills, you guys. :)

I'm glad that Anders is loving school. He's such a smarty pants that I know he'll do well!

Emmy Bludorn said...

I need to get Josh working while the others are at school. I can't believe I didn't think of it before!
It's kind of fun having a kid in school, isn't it?

mooresclan said...

The question is, how are you liking your 2 whole free hours? I swear it never really seems like a break. You barely get them to school and then it is time to turn around and pick them up. Next year will be a little easier.

Holly said...

way to source out your child. i'm typing up my daughters' resumes asap.