Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's So Sad

I'm hesitant to get too personal or emotional in the blogosphere because it creeps me out that anyone anywhere can read this. Well, I'm taking the plunge, baby.

Our ward was split tonight, and I'm so sad that I actually cried about it. We were split off from the ward and will be part of a newly formed one. Deep down I know it's going to be just fine, but I'm still so stinking sad.

About 2 years ago Nils was offered a job in Salt Lake, so we moved North from Springville. I was not happy about having to move from there. We looked for houses for awhile and nothing felt right. When we found our house, we felt it was the one we were supposed to buy. It didn't make sense to me because I actually really hated the house. I didn't like the layout, the kitchen, bathrooms, lights, doorknobs- I was pregnant and irrational. But I knew inside that we would be happy here. From the first day we moved in we've felt welcome. We had been here 2 days and my neighbor invited me to Enrichment. That night, I swear 10 people approached me to introduce themselves and welcome me. It was something I really needed. I felt overwhelmed with having to start over. A couple of months after Aani was born the post-partum hit me hard. I struggled for months with all the horribleness of depression, but I had so much support. I had friends who would call to lift me at the exact moment I needed it. That dark time was made bearable because of people who were in tune. We've lived here for a year and a half, and I feel like I've grown a lot spiritually in that time. I think that's facilitated by being surrounded with good people who see your potential, even though you might not. I know that's why we moved here.

So I know there isn't suddenly a massive crevasse that separates us, but you just don't see as much of people when you don't go to church with them. It's weird and a little lame, but it's true. To all my HH 2nd-ers, don't forget us on the other side of the park. And thanks for being so great that I'm weeping at the thought of not seeing you every week and more.


D.J, Laura and Kids said...

I know how you feel when we moved here about a year later our ward was split and I thought the world had ended. I also took it so personally like for some reason people had asked that our street not be in their ward anymore, but I was wrong and I am glad now because not only do I have new friends in my ward but I know a lot of people in the old ward as well. It makes me feel very popular :) It will seem hard for a while but will get better, if you need a shoulder to cry on or just a big case of cookie dough call me I will be there. :)

Anonymous said...
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*Jane Lee* said...

HOLD PLEASE! I guess this is what I get for staying home from church because of my bum knee. SO, WAIT! WHAT??!! They split our ward? NOOOOOOOOOOooooo! I love our ward just how it is! So how did they split it?? You should still come to Mix'n'Mingles... So, now I'm going to get a new Trio person?? Oooh, I am so sad. I will cry with you. You and your family are so awesome and our ward will really miss you. :o(

Ashli said...

I'm sorry. A great ward and great friends in it are so important. Thanks for being my friend here in Springville when I was not feeling so happy about being here. There's a reason for everything...maybe you'll be called as the RS pres with all your spiritual growth. :)

Misty Anderson said...

I am so sad too! I feel so depressed about it. We are going to miss you and the other families that left us! We should start a ladies night once a month so that we can all still see each other!

Jamie said...

I thought that ward was pretty safe from getting split again so I was shocked to hear the news. I hope you will enjoy your new ward family! Also, you did all sorts of cool stuff with your blog! Love it!

Brownie Bites said...

I miss you already. And I will miss Anders in my class. That kid...I just love him. And hold on to your seatbelts cuz there will be lots of callings to fill. CTR5C is a great one, if you're lucky enough to get it.

Erwin and Michelle said...

I know exactly how you feel Katrina. I've been so sad about it, too. We need a group hug, because ya this sucks.

Doulabug said...

At least you won't have to teach Gospel Doctrine anymore!
