Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Humor Me

I have no pictures to post and nothing that interesting to say, so nanny-nanny-boo-boo.

Nils just told me he's eating sushi tomorrow. This coming from the man who only a few months ago let me know that he likes his macaroni and cheese "unadulterated". He hates fish and generally doesn't like to try new things. Isn't sushi raw? Good luck with that, honey.

I just got back from Kohl's. I had $10 in Kohl's Cash. I've decided that store is a crock. First of all, they're always having the lowest prices of the season, as if we're all really that stupid. Second of all, I think when they fork over the Kohl's Cash, they adjust their "sales" so that it's impossible to get anything good for 10 bucks. For instance, instead of 50% off they'll do a buy 1 get 1 free thing, so you still have to pay full price; except now you get 2 things you don't really need instead of 1. Lame.

Halloween is 2 days away, and our children have no costumes. They were ordered 2 weeks ago from -oh my, wouldn't you know it- Kohl's, and are not here. I'm having anxiety because Anders is having a panic attack about it. So if they're not here by tomorrow, what choice do I have but to go down to Walgreen's and get whatever crap costumes they have left? Please UPS Man, deliver them tomorrow. For the love of my stressed out 5-year old and my sanity, DELIVER THEM!

Okay then. See ya.


Lindsey said...

Lol, i love you.

Misty Anderson said...

Ya Sushi is raw fish. Although the california roll is cooked crap and not too terrible! I will pray for your costume arrivals. If that dont work............Jonathons party next to smiths has some too!

Nils said...

Just got back from the Sushi place. I tried five different kinds, including ones with eel, crab, shrimp, fish eggs and salmon. I'm not putting Sushi on my must have list but it wasn't anything like I expected. Really not too bad. And Katrina - I do like to have some ketchup on my mac and cheese from time to time. Yup. I'm wild.

Holly said...

dave just had sushi with some japanese business guys that were here, on business (wouldn't you know) and really likes it. i was shocked. i would suggest that they go to out for sushi sometime, but unless nils is paying i don't think we can afford it.

good luck with the costumes.