Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Deep Thoughts from the Candy Aisle

I really like plain M&M's. They're small and tasty, and there's no nut in there to interfere with the chocolatey goodness. I expressed my love of plain M&M's to a friend a few days ago while we were selecting movie treats, and she said that M&M's are white trash chocolate. I was completely stunned. Like, really.

I said, "You're classifying me by CANDY? I don't think it's going to work out between us." Then I told her I didn't like what she picked out because they were white trashy. I know- good come back, huh? This is a good friend of mine and I think our friendship can endure this rocky patch, but it's gotten me thinking.

Obviously this runs deeper than chocolate. So what if I like them? Does that make me of lesser quality? I live in my happy little world most of the time, and I don't really care what people think of me. Once in awhile something bursts the bubble and all those little insecurities start to surface, as if they define me. The thing is, when we judge people it's based on our insecurity, not theirs.

Another example: Another good friend of mine was telling me that her sister thinks she and her husband are of lesser socioeconomic status (aka white trash) because they like to go 4-wheeling instead of playing golf and eating at the country club. That really bothers me, because my 4-wheeling friend is a fantastic person. She's fun, kind, funny and talented, and I hope she's still my friend for exploiting her story. WHASSSSUUUUUP LAURA!

We all judge other people. I do it, you do it, your mother does it. So the next time I catch myself passing judgment onto someone else, I'm gonna get a big fat fistful of M&M's and stuff 'em in my face. Hmph.


Erwin and Michelle said...

Wow, I'd never pegged you as white trash, but if you're white trash for liking M&M's then I'm white trash, too. Hey, we can be white trash together. ;)

courtneyb said...

m&m's are too pricey to be white trash.

5 little speckled frogs said...

I think you know I have a thing for M&Ms - the plain ones. Grove also thinks they are of a lesser chocolate socioeconomic status (as if there were such a thing)...they're chocolate & they're cute & happy...chocolate snobs can go suck an egg.

mooresclan said...

What are you doing bringing my mother into this?

Bev said...

Kat you deal with white trash, i deal with my latin trash insecurities on a daily basis, yes, i have a love for churros, how latin trash is that!?! I've embraced it now.

Jess said...

You are so funny! I love how you end this post!!! I'll eat any kind of chocolate...except chocolate covered cherries, they just aren't yummy to me. Chocolate covered raisins aren't my favorite either. I need to run to the store. I think M&M's are super classy. And now you can even special order them, pretty sophisticated, I'd say.

Jamie said...

I have learned to embrace my WT side (although, technically, I can only be 1/2 WT since my mom is Asian). Personally, I don't understand where that comment came from.... why would m&m's be considered WT? They even have a cool store in NY.

Doulabug said...


Holly said...
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D.J, Laura and Kids said...

This is a big shout out to my W.T. sista from the hood.
I am so honored that you would mention me on your blog, I love you and all of your fantasticness, I can not belive that there are people that think M&M's in all their chocolaty goodness are white trash, also for the record I love milk duds are those white trash?....it makes you think

Heidi said...

You were so right to major in Philosophy! :) You kill me!