Tuesday, March 03, 2009

The Greatest Blog Post EVER.

I tried reading "The Great Gatsby". I fell asleep every time I tried. It was due back to the library yesterday, and I think I was only about 85 pages in. Do you ever hear the title of a book that's been around forever and think you should read it, because it's been around forever, and it must be great to have stood the test of time like that? That's what happened with me and "The Great Gatsby". It didn't go so well. Speaking of not going so well, Robert Redford plays Gatsby in the movie. I've never seen it and probably never will. The thing about Robert Redford is that he's always some stud muffin Rico Suave in every movie I've seen with him in it. It's funny. It bugs me. I think he produced all of them, too.

My mom bought me a toothbrush. What does that mean, exactly? Usually when your mom buys you something that you're perfectly capable of buying for yourself, she's trying to tell you something. Like when we moved back to Utah after living in the woods of Connecticut, and I looked like someone who had been living in the woods... except I didn't know it at the time. Then my mom offered to pay for me to get my hair done and I knew it must be bad. So, what's this toothbrush business? She said, "This toothbrush is for you", and I thought she was kidding. I said, "Did you get it for free or something?" and she said, "No, I just bought a new one and thought I'd get one for you too." Thanks, mom. I'll....always think of you when I brush my teeth.

FYI, I love my mommy. And I am a regular brusher and flosser.

I'm spent. 'Night.


Brownie Bites said...

I remember reading The Great Gatsby. It was rough to get through. I don't blame you returning it half read.

So is it a fancy toothbrush or just a regular princess one?

Katrina said...

It spins. And it's purple.

Jess said...

That is so funny. Maybe she knows something about your last toothbrush...like last time she was watching your kids one of them put it in the toilet, or brushed the neighbors cat's teeth with it...or something. I want a purple spinning toothbrush.

Doulabug said...

You are so lucky to have a mommy who loves you!!! Purple toothbrushes rock.

Heidi said...

*snort* Ahh, Mom! I personally did not think you looked like you had been in the woods when you got back from CT. :) Maybe when she saw the toothbrush all spinny and purple she flashed back in time to Little Katrina and figured you would be so excited, eh? She may have forgotten that you're not her little girl anymore.

I read The Great Gatsby senior year in HS and hated it. The cover looked so sophisticated and I was fascinated with the Roaring 20s. Stupid book. The movie's not bad; at least you know the ending is going to suck ahead of time.